Monday 18 July 2011

Process to counter stress

Over a period of centuries, many techniques have been introduced by sages and rishis to prevent or alter our reaction to stresses. Yoga, meditation and pranayam (P) are well known. More recently Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) has been introduced by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji.
Pranayam is an ancient knowledge. It directs or regulates the "prana", subtle life force energy. Regular practice of Pranayam activates and harmonizes many body and mind rhythms including that of brain, heartbeat, enzymes and also mental and emotional rhythms.
Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) is a rhythmic breathing process where three rhythms are followed in a cyclical fashion. This technique is communicated to participants through Art of Living workshops: 22-24 hours programme spread over 6 days.
According to His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji (discoverer of Sudarshan Kriya), an intimate link exists between our thoughts, emotions and pattern of breath. Short breath indicates emotions like anger excitement and fear, while long deep and steady breath happens when mind is calm and intuitive. Feelings produce sensations in the body, which in turn are linked to pattern of breath. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji states - "Breath is one of the mystery of existence and the deeper mystery of our consciousness."

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