Monday 25 July 2011

Guruji Dancing in Kolkata


HOLI 2010-1.mp4


Guruji Helps the Old Lady

Sri Sri Birthday Day Song "So What! So Ham!"

Jordan group in AROSA 2010 - Sri Sri Birthday

Sri Sri Answers Questions from Yes!+ Utsav Participants

Bollywood's Spiritual Bent - NDTV

Art Of living Experience:College students

Art Of living Experience:College students

Dance by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in an Ashram Satsang

Inside Guruji's suite at Marriot Marquis


In the Kitchen

Friday 22 July 2011

So Sweet Sri Sri - Part 5: Guru Paduka Stotram (with subtitles)

World Culture Festival 2011 final Lasershow "The call of ancient love"

Post World Culture Festival Satsang in Berlin - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - H...

Post World Culture Festival Satsang in Berlin - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - H...

When will be the End of the World?

Christian Pastor in the US was so sure that the world would come to an end on May 21, 2011 and he prophesied so, many months prior to that day which actually proved him wrong. Now he says, the end of the world would be on October 21, 2011. His calculations were based on his own personal deduction of some passages in the Bible,relating to the floods and the escape of Noah and his family in an ark made on the instructions given by God.
The esoteric significance of Noah’s ark preceded by a flood that destroyed all created lifestreams is the purification of reproduction, Nature attempted on the creatures who till then were able to mate with a member of opposite sex of any species. Even humans could mate with all species of animals and such inter breeding produced monsters and giants in both animals and human race. This had happened after Nature had attempted sex division among the life streams including humans. Till then all of them were androgynous or having reproductive functions of both the sexes in one single body of humans and animals.
The Bible is an esoteric book and the present day Christians across the whole world have lost the key to the esoteric teachings of the Bible altogether because of revisions and amendments made by the early Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church under the commandment of Roman emperors Constantine and his successor Theodosius in the 4th century. The sect Jesus and his disciples established was known as The Nazarenes and their teachings came to an end when Constantine and Theodosius destroyed their teachings and their teachers. Nazarene teachings were declared heretic punishable with death to those who follow them.
n the Christian Bible, the book of Genesis is an esoteric record of the creation story while the book of Revelation is an esoteric record of the culmination of the evolution of Earth. The seven days of creation mentioned in Genesis esoterically refers to the seven periods of Earth’s evolutionary journey in time. The seven periods are saturn period, sun period, moon period, earth period, jupiter period, venus period and vulcan period. Each of these periods have seven sub-periods or epochs. The earth is in the 5th epoch of the earth period now and the Adam story refers to the mid-point of the earth period when the present stage of humanity reached in its evolutionary scale. The book of Revelation refers to the remaining journey of Earth through the remaining 3 epochs of earth period, jupiter period, venus period and the vulcan period.
The book of Revelation is a record of revelation of the end time of Earth as revealed to Apostle John by Jesus. It is the story of Earth’s and humanity’s journey through the remaining 24 sub-periods or epochs or in other words through the remaining three and half periods. Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel also talk about the end time of Earth after three and a half periods whose esoteric meanings none of the Christian experts of the present time have deciphered properly.
The four creatures of lion, ox, eagle and the animal with the face of a man mentioned in Revelation and the books of Ezekiel and Daniel are representatives of the three and half periods already elapsed i.e. the saturn, sun, moon and the half earth periods. The 24 elders with human features mentioned in the book of Revelation are the representatives of the 24 epochs through which the Earth has yet to pass.
n the Secret Doctrine, Madame Blavatsky has given the current age of Earth as somewhere near 2 billion and the remaining age for the Earth and its life streams is 2.32 billion. Sri Sri Ravishankar, in his book TIME, a 40-page monograph on time, has concurred with the calculations of Western authors such as Madame Blavatsky and Max Heindel whose Cosmo Conception had dealt with the teachings of Rosicrucian sect which closely followed the Nazarene doctrines.
According to Sri Sri Ravishankar, the earth has passed through six Manvantaras and is in the seventh Manvantara out of the 14 Manvantaras Earth has to pass through in the current Day of Brahma or Kalpa. His book also indicates that the kali yuga has 432,000 years while dwapara yuga, reta yuga and satya huga have 864,000, 1.296million and 1.728 million years respectively, succeeding each other in a cycle of 4.32million years forming the divya yuga. manvantara has ten divya yugas.
The Sun Temple at Konark in Orissa is a record of Earth’s evolution in stone.The seven horses drawing the chariot with twenty-four wheels esoterically represent the seven periods and twenty four epochs or time cycles the Earth along with the solar system has to pass through. Konark Temple’s architecture is influenced by the esoteric practices of Tibetan Buddhism whose mystical doctrines were covered in the Secret Doctrine by Madame Blavatsky.
ssentially the cube shape of a temple or its sanctum represent Earth and the tetrahedron or the four-sided triangular structure on it represent the man in evolution according to the esoteric doctrines of all religions of the world. The special carvings on the walls depicting life on earth in all its aspects from the animal to the divine sublime is the story of man’s evolution through the 24 epochs. The 3 epochs of theearth period is akin to the Rama avatar period while the jupiter period will be like that of the Krishna nature and the venus period will be like the Buddha nature and the vulcan period will be of Kalki avatar nature.
The sun and the nine planets in the sanctum of the Konark Temple is again the story of man’s evolution with the able assistance rendered by these planets. The inner man reaches the sun god at the end of the evolution after the 24 epochs. But the man or woman who discovered the truth that he or she has to manage his or her evolution is on the right path of evolution.
As planet Earth is a creation of Sun, her inner core is the seat of the Solar Logos and likewise, her children, men and women also have their hearts as the seats of the solar logos, or what we call the atman. Our indulgences in all the worldly activities as depicted on the walls of Konark Temple as also on the Khajuraho monuments will be limited to the remaining 3 epochs of theearth period and in the jupiter, venus and vulcan periods the Earth will be experiencing as hot a climate as those in planets Jupiter and Venus at present. Obviously therefore, human body will have to undergo transformation and become etheric to cope with such high temperature.

Fake it till you make it

You bring value to the Louis Vuitton bag you are carrying and not the other way round, says Art of Living guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

At parties, young people like to show off their branded clothes and expensive accessories —their Chanel and Louis Vuitton bags. Everyone is so obsessed with how they look. How can one focus within when all that seems to matter is appearance? 

Clothes and accessories are personal choices. I don’t have anything against someone dressing well or carrying a Loius Vuitton bag. The mind always craves for novelty. It gets attracted to new things, a new bag, a new cellphone, a new car. Even when you are reading, you don’t want to read the same thing again and again, you want something new. But the heart is different; it yearns for the old — an old association; an old friend. 

So while the heart longs for the old and familiar, the mind looks for the new and exciting. Life has to be a balance between mind and heart. It can’t be all old and it can’t be all only new, either. You can’t ask a youngster why he wants a new cell phone or a new car. I would say go for it by all means, but don’t let it become the central focus of your life. The same is true of a Louis Vuitton bag. Who cares if you are carrying one on your shoulder? But if you are sporting one to draw attention, I would say, you are not even applying your mind. 

You should understand that you are not what you are because of the expensive bag you are carrying. Your value is greater than the product. It’s always the brand ambassador who brings value to the product and not the other way around. Once you value your life and realise that you bring value to the things you use, you begin to view things in a different light. You become civilised, cultured and educated. 

Following a guru has become a fashion statement. It’s like showing off a new car or laptop — you must have one because it’s the ‘in’ thing. So how does one recognise a genuine seeker of spirituality? 

Spirituality is such a powerful thing, once you get into it you are bound to be affected by it. There is a saying, ‘fake it till you make it’. So never mind, if it’s a fashionable pursuit to begin with, it’s better than being indifferent. Of course, a genuine spiritualist will always stayed tuned in to his guru. It’s like when you are getting into the ocean; you want to trust the waves, the waves that control you, not your surfboard. 

Guruji.....Tum mile

Guruji in shoping Mall in boston..

Hupri Maha Satsang - Talk By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on 22nd March 2011

Hupri Maha Satsang - Talk By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on 22nd March 2011

Maha Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on 15th March 2011 at Vijayawada(...

Maha Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on 15th March 2011 at Vijayawada(...

Come Home for Guru Purnima

Thursday 21 July 2011

26 May Art of Living Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Part 2 (Audio)

26 May Art of Living Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Part 2 (Audio)

26 May Art of Living Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Part 2 (Audio)

26 May Art of Living Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Part 2 (Audio)

26 May Art of Living Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Part 2 (Audio)

Talk by Sri Sri on Gurupurnima day

Love Moves the World Tour 2004 Jan - March

Love Moves the World - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar @ University of California, Berkeley

Meditation - Then and Now

Meditation can bring changes in you: Girin Govind

Meditation can bring changes in you: Girin Govind

MTV: Preview to Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory featuring Sri Sri (Two Happ...

Famous Quotes & Sayings by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

If you are not having good experiences in meditation, then do more seva you will gain merit and your meditation will be deeper. When you bring some relief or freedom to someone through seva, good vibrations and blessings come to you. Seva brings merit; merit allows you to go deep in meditation; meditation brings back your smile.

God is not a toy for your security or a concept for your convenience. God is love. God is the substratum of this universe, the basis of this existence. God is the space in which all things happen.

Anytime you are confused, your mind is in conflict, do asanas, sit in asana. You will see, right away clarity comes.

Prarabdha karma cannot be changed. Sanchita karma can be changed by spiritual practices.

Enlightenment is the journey from head back to the heart, from words back to silence, to innocence in spite of your intelligence.
"In always wanting to be comfortable, you become lazy.
In always wanting perfection, you become angry.
In always wanting to be rich, you become greedy."
— Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

When You share

"When you share your misery, it will not diminish. When you fail to share your joy, it diminishes. Share your problems only with the Divine, not with anyone else, as that will only increase the problems. Share your joy with everyone.

Listen to others; yet do not listen. If your mind gets stuck in their problems, not only are they miserable, but you also become miserable."

— Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
"Teachers can be a living example to their students. Not that teachers should look for students to idealize them. One who is worth idealizing does not care whether others idealize them or not. Everyone needs to see that you not only teach human values but you live them. It is unavoidable sometimes you will be idealized -- it is better for children to have a role model, or goal, because then the worshipful quality in them can dawn."
— Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Self-Reliance and Surrender

Self-Reliance and Surrender

December 25, 1996Lake Lucerne, Switzerland

Self-Reliance needs enormous courage. When there is nobody else or you want to depend on yourself for everything, you need a lot of courage.Surrender needs less courage.A person who cannot surrender cannot be self-reliant either. If you don't have enough courage to surrender, then it is not possible to be self-reliant; you simply fool yourself. If you don't have a hundred dollars, you cannot have a thousand dollars. Even a little fear is detrimental to self-reliance.Self-reliance contains surrender. Fifty dollars contains ten dollars.Often people think that surrender is a way to escape from their responsibilities, then they end up blaming the Divine for all their problems. In fact, true surrender is taking total responsibility for everything.Susannah: How can we do that?Sri Sri: You take responsibility and you pray for help.Surrender eventually leads you to self-reliance because there is nothing other than the Big Self.

- Beyond the Rational Mind: Breaking the Barrier

May 28, 1998
New York City, NY, USA
We usually do only that which is purposeful, useful, and rational. everything you see, you see through the rational mind. But an intuition, a discovery, new knowledge goes beyond the rational mind. Truth is beyond the rational mind.

The rational mind is like a railroad track that is fixed in grooves. A plane has no tracks. It can fly anywhere. A balloon can float anywhere.

Some people step out of the rational mind in order to rebel against society. They want to break social law but for the ego's sake. They do it out of anger, hatred, rebelliousness, and wanting attention. This is not stepping out of the rational mind (though they think it is).

We step out of the rational mind when we do something that has no purpose. Accepting that, as an act, makes it a game. Life becomes lighter. If you are stuck with only rational acts, life becomes a burden. Suppose you play a game without a thought to winning or losing, just act irrationally. Making an act without any purpose attached to it - it is freedom - like a dance.

So just step out of the rational mind and you will find a greater freedom, an unfathomable depth, and you willl come face to face with reality. Reality transcends logic and the rational mind. Until you transcend the rational mind you will not get access to creativity and the infinite.

But if you do an irrational act in order to find freedom, then it already has a purpose and a meaning. It is no longer irrational. This knowledge sheet has already spoiled it's own possibility.

Break the barrier of the rational mind and then find freedom for yourself.

Who wake up frist You or God

Bangalore Ashram, India
Who Wakes Up First? You Or God?

You wake up first. God is still asleep. When you wake up first, you experience pain and pleasure. You become aware of the shortcomings of the world and its beauty. Then you cry for help and seek the ultimate and then you wake up God. And when God is awakened in you, there is no "two."

When both God and you are asleep, there is inertia. When the "I" is asleep, there is no experience.

God is in you in seed form. When he wakes up, you cease to exist. God is asleep in every particle in this universe. It's you who wakes up first and then you awaken God. And when God wakes up, neither you nor the world remain.

The rishis made a mockery. They created a practice of awakening God every morning. They call it Suprabhatam service. Many find this ridiculous because they don't understand the depth of it. Only awakened God can see that God is asleep everywhere. [Laughter.]

Brinda: Why should we wake up?

Sri Sri: Because you are not asleep. If you were asleep, how can you ask the question?

Bill: Once you are awake, can you go back to sleep?

Sri Sri: If you have not had tea, of course.

Bill: Who wakes us up?

Sri Sri: You figure that out.

Tere bin ... guruji can't think a moment...


Guruji when u walk with me

Guruji apke charno mein

Krishna Govinda video

Guru ki Mahima Koi nahi jane video

You have been given the highest blessing, the most precious knowledge on this planet. You are the Divine Self; you are part of the Self. Walk with that confidence. It is not arrogance. It is, again, Love.


To love someone whom you like is insignificant.

To love someone because they love you is of no consequence.

To love someone whom you do not like means you have learned a lesson in life.

To love someone who blames you for no reason shows that you have learned the art of living.

Guruji You are the captain of our ship.....

Our life is like a ship....
It has to face High tides and low tides.....
You are the captain of our ship....
You warn us in case of high tide....
Whenever u feel that there is a big Whirlpool in front us....
You immediately pull us behind when we are about to fall.....
You help us to face problem with your presence with us every second give us courage....
Your every presence give us courage to face any problem which is in front of us...

Guruji is captain of our life